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Sir Erik the Alpaca Visits Blueberry Hill


The “BrightenUpLTC” campaign aimed to uncover heartwarming stories of nursing homes going above and beyond in providing care. Numerous inspiring tales have poured in since the campaign’s launch, including a makeup memorial service, elderly elves crafting toys for charity, and a creative activities director in Massachusetts. The campaign continues to receive submissions and plans to feature selected stories. Some recent highlights include a bubble-blowing volunteer in New Jersey, a Tooth Fairy surprise at a Pennsylvania retirement community, a visit from an alpaca in Massachusetts, a dedicated maintenance man in Mississippi, and a retired chef’s impressive candy and gingerbread creations in Minnesota. These stories bring joy and positivity to long-term care.

“Sir Erik” from Harvard Alpaca Ranch came to visit Blueberry Hill earlier this week! Not sure who was more excited, residents or staff!

Please read our feature in McKnight’s: Click Here

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